A few days ago, I started hearing this RHEMA WORD, over and over again, in my spirit:
I have heard this several times from the LORD, in the last few years…..and I keep SOUND the ALARM! Now, more than ever, we can see the reason HE started warning HIS people to leave!
If the LORD has been speaking to your heart about this…..then this is your confirmation! I understand how hard it is to uproot your lives, and family….but, for those who are listening to HIS voice, HE will direct those who are in ‘harms way!’
Here is one of the messages I received about GETTING OUT OF THE CITIES, that was posted in January 2022:
"Get out of the cities.....for judgment is coming, and will fall on these Places of Iniquity! (Ezekiel 9:9)
SEEK MY VOICE, and I will lead, and guide you to where you should go.
The time is late, do not wait any longer. The warnings have gone forth, but who has listened? Only those who walk in the SPIRIT, and not in their own ways. These are MY true children who know MY voice. (1Kings 19:11-12)
For those who do not know ME yet, let this be your DAY OF SALVATION! Call out to ME, and I will hear! Come to ME, and I will be your helper, your guide, and your salvation! (Romans 10:9) (IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK!)
I prepare a place for those who are MINE ...believe in ME, and you will be counted in that number!
To MY true children, I call upon you today....DO YOU HEAR ME? Go to MY WORD, and I will speak clearly.....for all is written there.
The days are darker and darker.....soon the only light will be in MY SHINING STARS (HIS people). They will shine bright for ME, and they will lead many to ME. They are a BEACON in the wilderness. They do MY work, for they are MY hand and MY feet. They are MY mouth, and proclaim MY will!”
While reading Katie T.’s ARTICLE, about her own personal experience of how the LORD led her away from North Carolina, I was reminded of how the LORD also showed me similar things. Here is a part of what she heard:
“Flooding coming to the East Coast of America all the way to Raleigh / Durham NC”
Then the LORD also told her 2 safe zones:
The Smokey Mountain region
The Ozarks
Both of us, lived in North Carolina….and, at different times, we were both told to leave because of what was coming. I posted this WARNING back in 2018. Here is what I heard and posted on September 2018, “Prophetic Warning Update: North Carolina.”
Here is the warning that I heard:
I then asked, "LORD, what kind of destruction is coming to North Carolina?"
I heard:
I was also was shown that Eastern Tennessee and the western side of the Appalachian Mountains were safer places to be.
It took me almost 2 years to sell my house, and move…..but the LORD led us step by step! It was NOT easy……but very worth the trials, tests, and effort!
I have also been shown FIRE coming to N.Y.C.--- though I have NOT been shown the CAUSES, (or any other details), of either the flooding tsunamis or the fires.
However, there have been many other prophetic people, like Dr. Patricia, and Rev. Porter, who have had visions of what is coming to the East Coast. They saw that it was an asteroid that hits the ocean!
PLEASE NOTE that this is NOT a warning for everyone, but only for those whom the LORD leads! And, I am not posting this to bring fear…..but to, once again, sound an ALARM for those who need to hear! Remember that the LORD can speak to us in many different ways…..through the WORD, through dreams/visions, through signs, and wonders, and through HIS ‘still small voice.’ However, we must be ‘PLUGGED’ in to HIS SPIRIT, so that we can see, and hear spiritually.
Let us be PRAYING for each other, as the times are getting more and more serious! ALSO, please take this to the LORD for further direction, understanding, and confirmation!
Elizabeth, Sister in Christ I was praying spiritual warfare this morning, with the family and was rebuking the angel from the bottomless pit King Apollyon from against us listed in Revelation 9. and left it open to Rev 8 about Wormwood. Then was led to read your Post! Note: I did not spit out my coffee but was able to get it all Down Praise God.
Now back in 2017 falling down in repentance to the Lord and wholly following the Lord, he brought me from TX to OR where I received deliverance and then began to work in Deliverance to help set the captives free. Then later I was shown 3 warnings from the Lord, 1st in TX, World Viruses, I was led to draw this one out on paper, 2nd 2017 Oct 21st in OR a colored vison while lying in bed of an asteroid on fire in the 1st heaven and falling to earth, 3rd in OR also another vison while lying in bed of a colored moving sketch of Missile Silos with War Heads in them and then a room with men making decisions. Later I was shown the number 44. I kept seeing this number everywhere. I prayed to cast it down, it would not leave. Much later in 2019 I was talking with a brother in Christ with very much biblical knowledge he informed me it was the number of Judgment. The Flyer of World viruses was made to print and became a flyer, (a picture of that can be seen in my Sub stack) and I posted it all over the US many cities during my travels and even in Europe. I left the US in 2019 and went to live in Germany. Right then Covid19 broke out! But prior while in OR on April 21st, 2018, exactly 7 months to the day! I made a flyer regarding Wormwood and did not know it was 7 months to the day from Oct 21st, 2017. The other day I was awoke buy the lord and he led me to get up and pull up the flyer of Wormwood, He showed me it was Oct21st Fall when I had that vison. The next morning, I had a dream, I get up in the dream and go to the window. Now the window is the square window here in the Home2 suite with a curtain printed in bold (I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA THE BEGINNING AND THE END, THE FIRST AND THE LAST. Revelation 22:13. This is on my Sub stack. This is our window in our room where me and my family are living as me and my wife are working our contract jobs here in OR on the road, company paid. We don’t watch TV. Just though I would also mention that. Now I open the blinds in the dream, AND ALL I SEE IS OCEAN WATERS, NOTHING ELSE. We are actually on the fifth floor. but in the dream the waters where so high like almost to the height of the floor where on. I noticed that I was not in the FLOOD OF JUDGEMENTS, HIGH SEAs but in the ARK OF THE LORD, DRY AND SAFE FROM THE WRATH OF GOD. I have been Journaling for many yrs. Sept 15th I was looking at my journal and noticed that I listed all days on Sept 6th to Sept 13 as Aug 6th – Aug 13th. This is 8 days, I thought God was showing me something. That this Time of JUDGEMENT COMING THIS FALL of OCT21st is Actually coming sooner. 8 days from Sept 13th Falls on Sept 21st. Sister Elizabeth, you Created your Sub stack 21 days ago Today.
The Strom is Coming, the Daughter of Babylon is bleeding, and is going to fall. THE CHALDEAN NATION IS GOING TO BE BROKE UP.
No Matter What Happens do not be Shake, HOLD FAST IN JESUS NAME! ROMANS 8:26-38
I almost spit out my morning coffee when I got the notification for this one. I read Katie’s warning YEARS ago and felt let to look it up YESTERDAY! We have family on the East Coast and have been considering moving there but I felt a warning in my spirit about it. This is absolute confirmation.