Appreciate you sharing this important message ElizabethMarie. While it challenges us all, it's also very encouraging for those who choose the narrow path. I pray we all endure to the end.

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Hi my Wonderful friend/sister I'm so full of joy to have been given this opportunity to learn and grow through His Words. I also want to thank you for sending a personalized email to me helping me through my difficulties of losing my precious daughter Kayla. Love you 🙌❤️🙌

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I too am on substack as a scribe for God. Its much better than big tech platforms so far! Welcome and keep going as we are all needing each other’s revelations from the LORD. HeReigns in the Latter Rain.

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Welcome to substack sister Elizabeth Marie.

Revelation is being unveiled.

The Four Horsemen are riding.

The Sixth Seal Signs have started

We are in a spiritual battle against the fiery-red dragon, the serpent-of-old, Satan.

The Beast of the Sea and Earth are at war with the saints.

There are no coincidences.

Thank you for your ministry.

I pray for your perseverance.

I look forward to sharing research as well with you and future followers.

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Elizabeth I have an understanding that we are now in Final Season of Satan. I know with all of my being that Jesus is going to bring judgment Upon All. We are going face His judgement soon. His kingdom awaits for those who are written in His book. He is King of Kings 👑🙌💜🕊🦁

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To all that read this, the rapture of the church has not happened yet! All true believers will not be here for that. If you read the bible you will see that this and anything on this particular person is not of God. There are no horseman yet , but we can hear the hoof beats approaching . Mathew 24 talks about those in the Tribulation not those who WILL NOT be in the Tribulation. Read your Bible and see that what’s on here may sound good, but it’s not!

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It is true that the rapture has not yet happened, but perhaps you misunderstand about the timing of the Seals & Trumpets. Many people misunderstand about the timing of the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls / Vials. They assume that all of them are part of the Great Tribulation, but the Holy Bible does not actually / technically say that. It is simply an assumption that many scholars have made.

The Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls / Vials converge upon each other. The 5th Seal and the 6th Trumpet both describe the final 7 years and the time of Great Tribulation. The 6th Seal and the 7th Trumpet and the 7 Golden Bowls/Vials each describe the time of God's wrath.

The Great Tribulation is not God's wrath - it is Satan's wrath (see Rev 12: 12-17). It appears that the final 7 years has not yet started, and when it does, it will start with a 7-year covenant / treaty (Daniel 9: 27).

There are also different views about the timing of the rapture (e.g., pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib). But if for any reason God's people are still here during the final 7 years and the Great Tribulation (the second half of the final 7 years), God can still protect His own in whatever way He chooses.

Your suggestion that people should read the Bible is great advice! God's Words are deep. Plus, He intentionally veiled some of the end times prophecies because they are for the generation that will be here at that time. I believe that we are that generation and that God is removing the veil.

Meanwhile, please be careful about calling someone a false teacher simply because their understanding about end times prophecies does not agree with your assumptions.

God bless you!

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Hello Eliabeth Marie may Gods holy spirit guide you along the narrow path. I like you believe a great spiritual harvest is under way and the bride must make herself ready. I better explain my view on all this on my site mjacob.substack.com I call my site MICHAELS HARVEST NEWS LETTER I hope your message is well received and may God bless you work ,if it be his will you follow. I haven't subscribed as of yet as I must discern if its Gods will to do so. In any case God Bless you and keep you safe! Mike J

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

God bless you, Elizabeth! Thank you for faithfully sharing what God reveals to you. This is what the Lord has revealed to me about the 4 Horsemen (the first 4 Seals):

In Leviticus 25-26, God gave the Hebrew people a calendar. It included the 7th day being a Sabbath day and the 7th year being a Sabbath year (Shemitah). The year after 7 Sabbath year cycles (the 50th year) is a year of Jubilee (it is a time of redemption).

During their exile from God's holy land, the Hebrew people kept track of the Sabbath year cycles, but they lost track of when the year of Jubilee should be.

In Daniel 9: 24-27, God counted out the 70 "sevens" in Sabbath year cycles (Shemitahs).

What God has revealed:

The Lord provided proof that the 4th Horseman was released in Sept 2015. On the 3rd day of watching the news and seeking God for answers, the Lord provided a unique image on our TV screen that apparently no one else saw. I took 2 photos of it and created a website to post it (faqendtimes.com).

Each of the 4 Horsemen were released (one at a time) exactly 7 years apart: on the last day of consecutive Sabbath / Shemitah years (29 Elul):

The 1st Horseman was released Sept 1994. (goal: global government / world domination)

The 2nd Horseman was released Sept 2001. (goal: enmity and war)

The 3rd Horseman was released Sept 2008. (goal: control of money and food)

The 4th Horseman was released Sept 2015. (goal: death by sword, famine, plague, beasts)

The color of the 4th horse is "chloros." In other areas of the Holy Bible, "chloros" is translated as being a bright green (like spring grass). The Holy Bible says that the rider's name is "Death", and that a spirit named "Hades" follows close behind. The spirit of Death rides a green horse (it appears that he will use Islam as a vehicle).

The 5th Seal represents the final 7 years (the second half of which includes the time of Great Tribulation: 3-1/2 years) (see Daniel 9: 27). The 5th Seal and the 6th Trumpet converge.

IF God continues to use the Shemitah cycles that He used for the first 4 Seals being opened, the 5th Seal is likely to be opened in Sept 2022 or in Sept 2029. Since the 7-year treaty was not made in 2022, then it appears that it will be made in 2029. The 7-year treaty will most likely be the peace treaty that follows WW3. IF the 5th Seal is opened in 2029, the 7 years will end in Sept 2036.

The 6th Seal represents the wrath of God. It includes the battle of Armageddon. Please note that the Great Tribulation is NOT God's wrath, it is Satan's wrath (see Rev 12: 12-17). The 6th Seal and the 7th Trumpet and the 7 Golden Bowls / Vials converge.

The 7th Seal appears to represent a moment of extreme awe: when Jesus ascends to His throne in Jerusalem and begins His thousand year reign (see Rev 20).

Afterwards, everyone will face final judgment at the Great White Throne and anyone's whose name is not in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire. The world will be destroyed with fire. Then, a new heaven, new earth, and a new Jerusalem will be created and those whose names are in the Book of Life will spend eternity with the Lord (see Rev 21-22).

For more information, please visit my website: FAQEndTimes.com

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Elizabeth, you are such a phony and a liar.

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Total bullshit.

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I felt the Holy Ghost all over when reading. Praise the Lord.

I do BELIVE the 4 different colored Horses that are talked about in the book of Zachariah in the book of revelations having meaning and are spirits that have been loosed now here on Earth. I believe the Lord Showed me that years ago🙏

Red horse=Spirit of Communism

Blk horse =Spirit of Capitalism

White horse = Spirit of Catholicism

Bay/Grisald horse=Spirit of Islamism

The original word for bay was translated

Chloris is a name of Greek origin that means "greenish-yellow" or "pale green".

Check it out🙏

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In Genesis 6 we learn that Satan corrupted the entire human genome except for 8 souls. It made God so angry that He destroyed the world with the Flood of Noah. Satan just did it again with his gene therapy shots that changed the genetics of every single person that took them. God has promised to destroy the earth with fire this time as all the nuclear powers have their nukes on 30 second launch codes. The 2nd destruction of the Earth is at hand.

Matthew 24 says that the End Days will be “just as in the Days of Noah”. That means fallen angels walking the earth, giants and hybrids of every kind imaginable. Men’s hearts will fail them due to fear of these things.

Things are about to get crazier. They’re just getting started. Indian folklore says you can kill the giants with copper. The native American people had many battles with the giants and kept records of it. So, I ordered some copper bullets for my rifle and pistol. 🤷‍♂️🤔

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Hello EM. Welcome to Substack. I've followed you (and we've corresponded) for years.

You'll enjoy my "A Positive Apocalypse" trilogy here on Substack. It's free to subscribe.

BTW, have you settled on a Safe Haven location? The last time we emailed you were looking at land in Tennessee.

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