praying 🙏 for Faith to hold strong in the Lord and His word, Habakkuk 2 speaks of the righteous judgement of God upon the wicked and the mercy of God to turn many towards Himself that in the chastening and judgement to come may we Live by Faith and be there for each other in these times of troubles on the earth ✅📖💯✝️🙏

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My worry is that many will allow themselves to be demonically possessed. I have dreams about that happening. I hate to point fingers, but I am most afraid of the lgbt community. I have a brother, aunt, two uncles, cousin who are lgbt, and when i try to talk to them about any topics relating to religion / politics, they stop seeming sane to me. I've even been banned from a forum for advocating free speech with respect to pronouns, a view I thought nearly 100% of people on the forum would have agreed with. I usually am actually able to convince people or at least have cordial conversations with people, but the insane hatred these relatives have towards christianity is breathtaking. I also listen to "nightcore" music, as well as have viewed asmr hypnosis videos, and it is astounding how many different online entities purposely choose to represent themselves as images of demonic entities - black eyes, horns, red skin, etc. I don't understand it. I don't hate these people, i worry for them, i hope in the end they will see the light and make the right decision.

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Sis, upon waking this morning, I heard “The swarms are at hand”. Yours is the second confirmation of this word today.

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that's pretty dang weird. i had a quasi religious dream too this morning, it was about demonic entities haunting lincoln monument / politicians, but no locusts.

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I think it was the Master’s Voice Prophecy blog that had a prophecy about the Lincoln Memorial concerning Donald Trump.

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